October 21, 2013

Cinema 4D animation and Real flow ball in water

October 14, 2013

Faster render in Cinema 4D

For those that don't have access to a render farm or a powerful computer, this trick might decrease your render time by 4x or 5x times. Thank you for checking out this Tutorial.

The Lady in the Water - 3D

RealFlow mesh rendered out in Cinema 4D

October 1, 2013

Real Smart Motion Blur for After Effects cs5 cs5.5 and cs6 - for free - no watermark

Hi guys I have had a hard time to install the RSMB without watermarks for free - here is how I did it:

Get the Zip File here - Click to download

Install the file and select the folder C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects for manual install

Then input the serial number in the zip file - Username:team SCO Serial Key:ONAjUIrl0OZ6vY7v

When the install has finished move the ReelSmartMotionBlur4 folder into the same directory C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects\

Then you will have no watermark. Enjoy and remember to subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/user/HuniTVs

Huni TV

Your eyes can turn beautiful people into monsters

Bring your face to about 20-30 cm from the screen and watch the cross in the middle of the picture and see how your brain and eyes will turn these people into monsters.