June 29, 2013

StarWars Episode 02 - Favorite Star

Star Wars - Episode 02 -- Favorite Star In a galaxy far, far away there were two stars that were friends. One day the less intelligent one wanted to know what was Michelin's favorite star. Here is their story! All voices: Huni Hunfjord Ice loves Cocoa Puffs was inspired by Ice Loves Coco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcAN3f... Keeping up with the CarHashishans was inspired by Keeping Up With the Kardashians -- which I regrettably have to watch at the gym while working out on the treadmill! Michelin star -- was inspired by french chefs and of course they would get the Michelin star, where they would cook. Billy (Hilly Billy) -- was inspired by many people I met while living in Kentucky for five years. Thank you for watching and hope to see you subscribe for many more to come.

June 27, 2013

How to do five to six hundred push-ups in less than one minute or maybe not, just watch!

Hope you enjoy this video. This is a very old trick that I have often used but not my original idea. It's about time to put in on film or so to speak! I had fun making the video, but it as always difficult to do something funny by yourself. Soon I will be looking for talent to join me in the YouTube adventure. I need someone with some skills but mostly a good sense of humor and who want to make a lot of money.