October 21, 2013
October 14, 2013
Faster render in Cinema 4D
The Lady in the Water - 3D
October 12, 2013
My Reebok Commercail Entry Europe - Hopefully I will get paid
October 1, 2013
Real Smart Motion Blur for After Effects cs5 cs5.5 and cs6 - for free - no watermark
Your eyes can turn beautiful people into monsters
Bring your face to about 20-30 cm from the screen and watch the cross in the middle of the picture and see how your brain and eyes will turn these people into monsters.
September 2, 2013
Create your own Icon for you website or blog - flavicon
How to create your own flavicon icon for your website or blog.
Create your icon here: http://www.xiconeditor.com/
If you are using WordPress on your own site you can use
http://www.doc4design.com/plugins/multicons/ to set up the icons for your site.
Hope you find this interesting and useful.
August 27, 2013
Save your favorite music from YouTube
August 20, 2013
A Day to Remember in Reykjavík Iceland
I and my wife decided to check out what to do in Reykjavík as for dining and having fun. Here is our day in Reykjavík.
All the places visited are here below in the description.
We used the Reykjavík Center Map to illustrate where we went.
Hope you enjoy this video as we enjoyed a fantastic day in Reykjavík city.
Iceland Encapsulated trailer https://vimeo.com/44530369
Music Royalty free - Matthew Huffaker - http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe
Song: Get What You Need
Music Street Performance:
Vignir Pálsson
Music: Remix by Máni Svavarsson:
Can't walk away - Housebuilders - Radio edit
August 16, 2013
Fjármálalæsi Key Habits
Netnámskeið Key Habits í Fjármálalæsi
Eins og flestir vita þá er fjármálalæsi eitthvað sem ekki er kennt í skólum í dag en er mjög mikilvægt fyrir okkur að kunna. Key Habits er núna loksins komið með námskeið í fjámálalæsi.
Í námskeiðinu færðu:
- Greiningartól til að greina hvar þú stendur í dag fjárhagslega
- Verkefni sem hjálpa þér að greina hvar þú vilt vera fjárhagslega
- Verkfæri til að ná settum markmiðum fjárhagslega
- Læra hvað raunverulegar eignir eru og hvernig við mælum það
- Hjálp við að sjá hvernig sjóðstreymi þitt er í dag og hvernig þú getur aukið sjóðstreymi þitt
- Svör frá þjálfurum
- Leiðbeiningar hvernig við getum tekið fjárhagslegt stress út úr myndinni
- Hugbúnað svo að þú getir tekið námskeiðið heima hjá þér
- Leiðbeiningar í tímastjórnun
- Lauslega farið yfir útreikninga lána
Þegar inn í kerfið er komið er hægt að fara í "Store" efst til hægri
og þar er hægt að kaupa aðgang að námskeiðinu.
Stutta kynningu af námskeiðinu má sjá hér:
August 5, 2013
July 27, 2013
Hvað sagði .....
Hvað sagði litli hverinn við stóra hverinn?
“Hver er ég?”
Hvað sagði stóri strompurinn við litla strompinn?
“Ert þú ekki of lítill til að vera að reykja?”
Hvað sagði koddinn við hinn koddann?
“Koddu aðeins”
Hvað sagði klukkan við úrið sem sagði frá vitlausum tíma?
“Stilltu þig!”
Hvað sagði veggurinn við hinn vegginn?
“Hittumst á horninu”
Hvað sagði múraði veggurinn með tvö hlið, við vegginn sem var bara með eitt hlið?
“Komdu við hliðin á mér”
Hvað sagði gæsin á tjörninni við hina gæsina á föstudegi?
“Veistu um eitthvað gott gæsapartý”
Hvað sagði læknirinn við hjúkkuna sem spurði hvað uppáhalds hljómsveitin hans væri?
“The Cure”
Hvað sagði Bruce Lee að væri uppáhalds drykkurinn sinn?
Hvað sagði stóra grín bókin við litlu landafræði bókina?
“Taktu mig ekki svona bókstaflega”
Hvað sagði tónskáldið og fatahönnuðinn?
“þetta tónar vel saman”
Hvað sagði Jesús þegar hann sá faraskjót sinn?
"hann er nú hálf asnalegur"
Hvað sagði metanbíllinn við bensínbílinn?
Hvað sagði úrið við klukkuna þegar klukkan sagði við úrið "farðu úr"?
"Já, klukkan hvað?"
Hvað sagði eplið sem datt úr eikinni?
Ekkert! Epli kunna ekki að tala.
Hvað sagði drengurinn við pabbann þegar hann sagði honum að drengurinn væri glasabarn?
"Og hvað varstu búinn með mörg glös?"
Hvað sagði hríslan við tréið?
July 16, 2013
Imporve productivity and health in US companies
Key Habits is a great opportunity for organizations in the US to lower their health insurance premiums through Key Habits program. Increase productivity and get healthier and more active workers through our Nutrition, True Health Literacy and Goal Setting program. Feel free to sign up for a free trial and we will contact you and guide you through our services and tell you how your company can benefit from our program. Sign up here: http://www.keyhabits.com/register/ Contact us at keyhabits@keyhabits.com and refer Huni as your source to get our special limited time pricing. For more detailed information on our services: http://www.keyhabits.com/ccp/
June 29, 2013
StarWars Episode 02 - Favorite Star
Star Wars - Episode 02 -- Favorite Star In a galaxy far, far away there were two stars that were friends. One day the less intelligent one wanted to know what was Michelin's favorite star. Here is their story! All voices: Huni Hunfjord Ice loves Cocoa Puffs was inspired by Ice Loves Coco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcAN3f... Keeping up with the CarHashishans was inspired by Keeping Up With the Kardashians -- which I regrettably have to watch at the gym while working out on the treadmill! Michelin star -- was inspired by french chefs and of course they would get the Michelin star, where they would cook. Billy (Hilly Billy) -- was inspired by many people I met while living in Kentucky for five years. Thank you for watching and hope to see you subscribe for many more to come.
June 27, 2013
How to do five to six hundred push-ups in less than one minute or maybe not, just watch!
Hope you enjoy this video. This is a very old trick that I have often used but not my original idea. It's about time to put in on film or so to speak! I had fun making the video, but it as always difficult to do something funny by yourself. Soon I will be looking for talent to join me in the YouTube adventure. I need someone with some skills but mostly a good sense of humor and who want to make a lot of money.
June 4, 2013
May 6, 2013
Did the pen fall? Datt peninn?
This is my daughter saying her first words and they just so happen to be the words fall or "detta" in Icelandic.
Eurovision Party Pop Quiz
How much of a fan are you? Can you tell which 3 song samples are playing - country and year?
Eurovision Dance Party
April 29, 2013
Millions of misleading videos on YouTube!
My thought on all the misleading videos on YouTube.
April 28, 2013
Cats and Dogs compilations are awesome - Gotta Love it!
Cats and Dogs are so funny, just watch!
April 22, 2013
Man of Steel - Unofficial Trailer - Secret Identity
Short un-official trailer, Man of steel, Kung Fu Panda, Harry Potter, Talladega Nights, Zoolander, Back to the future, Johnny English and JM Scherf Music
April 10, 2013
What motivates us? Is it money?
What seems odd at first is that studies all over the world show that money can only motivate us when doing mechanical things, simple things. When the tasks at hand become a little more complicated, money incentives make us perform worse. We only have three factors that truly motivate us:
April 3, 2013
March 27, 2013
We need sponsors - Denali, Alaska
This is the first part and second part is almost done, but we have run out of funds to finish the project.
Any donations or sponsors are welcome!
We tried to get apple to sponsor us, but we got turned down...
Here is what we offered them
March 25, 2013
Self Directed 401(k) in Iceland?
The law in Iceland does not allow individuals to self direct their 401(k) or IRA's. Would it not be a great solution to many homes in Iceland to allow self directed IRA's? Then a family would be able to invest in a house with their IRA funds (which is a tax free environment), move into that house and pay rent, their rent builds up their IRA funds and they do not have to worry about future retirement payments nor housing in the future. Maybe this is too simple?
By allowing the indexed loans to soar out of reach for the average Joe, the banks have created wealth that has no reserves and there for they can lend more money and create even more inflation.
When does the drug addict realize he is in trouble? When are we drinking to much? When do we realize that we are creating a greater gap between the rich and the poor? The Icelandic government wants to be the first government in the world to solve the economic crisis by raising taxes, both on individuals and companies. How come other governments are doing the opposite to solve their crisis? Are Icelanders smarter than the rest?
March 21, 2013
Electronic Curriculum Vitae
Hvað kostar að búa til rafræna ferilskrá fyrir mig?
Þannig hefur þú engu að tapa, ef þú færð ekki vinnu með nýju ferilskránni, þá borgar þú ekkert! Þú getur haft samband við mig ef þú hefur áhuga að auka líkurnar á atvinnu.
Húni sími 821 1977 Tölvupóstfangið: hunfjord (hjá) gmail.com